November 25, 2017

EDET 636 Impact of Tech Week 11 Blog

EDET 636 Impact of Technology on Students
Week 11 Blog
Essential Question: How will you format and disseminate your research?

            The format of my action research will be about the same as most research papers and articles. The difference might be the intended target. My audience will not necessarily be education researchers but rather teachers and more specifically math teachers who are interested in integrating technology into their RTI skills. My finished results will be shared with my District’s RTI coordinator, RTI teachers, and all of the mathematics teachers in my professional learning community. This is of course above and beyond sharing with our class on my blog. I do not plan on sending my research to someone to get published.
            Merriam & Tisdell give some thoughts about description of the analysis of the data to keep in mind that the representation of data can have different levels such as “the raw data are reported as particular description, patterns discovered in the data are reported as general description, and ever higher levels of abstraction become interpretive commentary.” (2016) I plan to differentiate between these levels within my research paper so that it is clear to the reader what is precise data and what is interpreted.

The following is the format I plan to put my action research paper in.
·      Introduction
·      Research Questions
·      Literature Review
·      Methodology
·      Data Collection Method: Quantitative and Qualitative
·      Data Analysis Method
·      Data Results
·      Conclusion
·      References
Some of the sections might have subsections to make my point or to help organize. When it comes to the data, I plan to use many graphs to help represent the data to everyone who is reading the paper.


Glenn, L. (2014). Final Paper! #seaccr. Retrieved from

Merriam, S. B. & Tisdell, E. J. (2016). Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation. San Franciso, CA. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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