May 19, 2017

EDET 678 Emerge Tech Week One

EDET 678 Emerging Technologies
Week One Blog

Essential Question: How do we define Emerging Technologies?

            The first time I encountered the term emerging technologies I had an idea of what this meant. I thought the definition was something along the lines of new technology that has come to be important in education by being used on regular basis. After doing some research I realized that I almost had the correct definition but was a little off. Emerging technologies are not necessarily technologies that are used already but more has the potential to be used in the classroom effectively.
            As explained by Veletsianos in his blog, emerging technologies are not necessarily new for example Virtual Reality has been around for 10+ years but it is still considered as emerging technology because new aspects of the technology are coming out. (2008) Emerging technologies are not necessarily one hundred percent accepted by the educational community but a piece of technology that is being researched and practiced on how it can support learning in education. Sometimes these technologies are important for a few years and sometimes they are long-term ideas that will impact education for a longer time.
            The Horizon Report has given six main focuses in education with long and short-term in mind. The trends include coding as literacy, students as creators, collaborative learning, deeper learning approaches, redesigning learning spaces, and rethinking how school works. The technology that supports these ideas include but are not limited to makerspaces, online learning, robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and wearable technology. (2016)
            The possibilities are endless in what emerging technology can be and I look forward to what I find and test it out.


The New Media Consortium, & The Consortium for School Networking (2016). The NMC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2016 K-12 Edition. Retrieved from

Veletsianos, G. (2008). A definition of emerging technologies for education. Retrieved from


  1. Mariah,

    I like how you say that emerging technologies have potential to be used in the classroom effectively. It is so important to know the short term and long term goals of technology. What can we implement now? What needs more time and planning? These are questions we need to ask ourselves and make time to plan for the answers as we think about the students. Technology is so important to the children and their future. What we expose them to now will ultimately give them the most experience in what they will encounter in the future.


  2. My first definition was, new technology that everyone else seems to know about except for me. :)
    I like your distinction about the new technology being used effectively. I think that is important. If it isn't really helping the lesson to be more effective, then it may not be necessary. It really makes me think of purpose and why am I using the new technology. Is it improving what I am doing or just a new, fun way to do something that doesn't really meet any purpose.

  3. Nice blog entry, Mariah. I agree with your point that the technology may not be new, but if there is a new application that supports learning in the classroom then it is emerging technology.
