September 4, 2017

EDET 636 Impact of Tech Week 1 Blog

EDET 636 The Impact of Technology on Student Learning
Week 1 Blog
Essential Question: What is classroom research and how can it improve technology integration in my classroom?

            Classroom research is a relatively new method of research in the education world and is sometimes seen as a less formal method of research. Classroom research is when a teacher or someone in the classroom uses action research methods to improve learning by focusing on some aspect of education in the classroom. Action research consists of a professional seeking out an answer of a question that was posed in order to improve upon practice in that job. This person poses their own question or inquiry, seeks out methods to answer this question, implements the methods in their classroom with students, evaluates and reflects on the effectiveness of the methods, and share the research with others. (Kolk, 2017)
            McNiff shares that action research is a way to learn professionally by beginning with an inquiry of “How do I improve my work?” (2002) To implement a proper plan on a classroom action research, one should have a cycle of reflection of the following: “identify an area of practice to be investigated, imagine a solution, implement the solution, evaluate the solution, and change practice in light of the evaluation.” (McNiff, 2002) Teachers who use the action research method to better themselves should seek out colleagues and friends to support them in their research by providing feedback and advice on the process and the findings.
            Classroom research can improve many aspects within the classroom including the integration of technology. Devlin, Felhaus, and Bentrem has a study where a teacher uses action research to see if the use of videos in giving directions is more effective than verbally giving directions. The teacher found that having the use of technology of video created an engaging environment and that the students were able to focus on the directions more than the class with the verbal directions. (2013) This is a great example of how a teacher used classroom research methods to test out the effectiveness of integrating technology into the classroom. Now the teacher can share with other teachers and hopefully improve the use of technology in the classroom.


Devlin, T. J., Feldhaus, C. R., & Bentrem, K. M. (2013). The evolving classroom: a study of traditional and technology-based instruction in a STEM classroom. Journal of Technology Education: Vol. 25:1. Retrieved from

Kolk, M. (2017). Embrace action research: Improve classroom practice with action research … and tell the story. Creative Educator. Retrieved from

McNiff, J. (2002). Action research for professional development concise advice for new action researchers. Retrieved from


  1. I like your definition of class research. I don’t know about you, but I try to “experiment” each year. It’s difficult when you don’t have much time outside of class to come up with questions, procedures, data collection, and analysis. It’s busy as heck in rural Alaska. Been there, done that. I’m lucky to have a chance to do a little research now. I hope you get a chance to do some this year!

  2. Hi Mariah,
    Great post about Classroom Research. I also enjoyed the article comparing video lessons versus verbal. I think the video would also appeal to me more, because of the technology side. If I had the option, I can see myself rewinding to certain points and relistening to them. I do feel like it would be an easier learning environment.


  3. Have you had a chance to utilize classroom research in your own classroom? I just graduated in May so I don't have my own classroom, so I am very interested in how other teachers use classroom research in their rooms. As I worked to answer this question I found the most interesting aspect to be how it can be used as a tool for self improvement. I thought it was interesting how the resources mentioned it was helpful to evaluate how effectively you are using technology and find ways to improve.
