September 9, 2017

EDET 636 Impact of Tech Week 1 Reflection

            As I was reading about action research, I started to think about what parts of teaching would I focus on in an action research project. I find that having a clear vision and understanding of what the teacher wants to be changed will help the research be effective. Gerald’s post made me reflect on how important the before hand research is in order to have a method of teaching to implement that might actually be positive in the classroom. If I decide to use a new technology in my classroom but I don’t research about the ways to use it effectively or how it could negatively affect my classroom, then I might cause harm to learning for my students. Josie’s post reminded me how important the method of data collection is because without data how will we know if the new method worked or improved the classroom.

            I am excited for this semester but I am a bit worried about the structure of the class. I feel like I don’t quite understand how our Twitter sessions will work and what direction our Action Research projects will go. Hopefully on Monday we will talk about this but it would be nice to briefly meet on Blackboard collaborate in order to pose questions or clarify the course’s goals and assignments.

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