September 17, 2017

EDET 636 Impact of Tech Week 2 Reflection

This week I could not figure out why qualitative research was giving me such a hard time. I could not see how asking people about their experiences and the way they make meaning of these experiences was research. It wasn’t till I read Gerald’s post and comments of other posts did I realize that maybe my linear mathematics brain has forced me to put numbers to all research. I would like to start looking at some qualitative research projects. The purpose of looking at these would be to figure out how the researcher summarized his or her research. How do they come up with a conclusion inductively and what do they offer to the world of educational research?

Last week’s Twitter session was great but now I plan to come prepared with a few questions to add to the conversation. Will we need to lead a twitter session?

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if each of us should conduct a session or not. If we each bring some questions, I think we can work together to host the session.
    AR could be qualitative or quantitative, actually. Being a mathematician, I too have always thought that qualitative research has some flaws or isn't really research. However, having seen how poorly much of the "quantitative" research has been conducted, I think qualitative research can give us a lot of useful information.
