November 25, 2017

EDET 636 Impact of Tech Week 10 Blog

EDET 636 Impact of Technology on Students
Week 10 Blog
Essential Question: What primary concerns exist in ethics, validity and reliability in AR? How are you managing these concerns (or how will you) within your study?

            One facet of action research is to share the research with others who are in the same field so that they can hopefully apply what was learned in their own practices. If others are going to take research as truth, the research needs to show a standard of ethics, validity, and reliability. For the most part these standards are fairly uniform over all schools of subject and when it comes to Education research, there are even a bit more ethics that needs to be adhered to. Merriam and Tisdell explain that “every researcher wants to contribute knowledge to the field that is believable and trustworthy” and because of this there is a huge concern on providing ethical, reliable, and valid qualitative research. (2016)
            There are multiple ways for research to be credible and this can be done “by using triangulation, checking interpretations with individuals interviewed or observed, staying on site over a period of time, asking peers to comment on emerging findings, and clarifying researcher biases and assumptions.” (Merriem & Tisdell, 2016) To have valid data and outcomes “you want to have some others review it, to give their expert and experienced opinion as to whether it measures the concept or idea you designed it to.” (IUPUI, 2002) In attempt to for my research to be credible I will be sharing my findings with my colleagues and with them come up with some outcomes. If I am going to have any qualitative data that requires me to interpret what students feel about the two methods that I used for RTI, I will clarify with students on my interpretation of their words.
            In an article written by Research Methodology, it is said, “research reliability is the degree to which research method produces stable and consistent results.” (2017) Some methods that would be used to find stable and consistent results are test-retest, parallel-forms of research, inter-rater research, and internal consistent research. In my own research, it is difficult to do any of these methods to show reliability but if I had more time, I would do the research over again with another set of students.
            In hopes to be all encompassing valid, reliable, and ethical I will be completely open by being honest about the whole research process. This will include dates, data, mistakes, questions on the surveys, and the method of the patterns in the findings.


IUPUI School of Education (2002). Validity and Reliability. PACE University in conjunction with Great Cities Universities. Retrieved from

Merriam, S. B. & Tisdell, E. J. (2016). Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation. San Franciso, CA. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Research Methodology (2017). Reliability. Retrieved from

Winter, R. (2002) Truth or fiction: problems of validity and authenticity in narratives of action research. Educational Action Research, 10:1, 143-154, DOI: 10.1080/09650790200200178

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